as the result of this development , sendai domain achieved the actual yield of rice crop in the amount of 1 ,000 ,000 koku , while the reported face value based on the original territory condition was 620 ,000 koku . この結果、仙台藩は表高62万石に対し、実高100万石を越える米の生産量を確保した。
he gained more territories as a reward for the battle of dewa in the keicho era , which was associated with the battle of sekigahara , gained the current whole yamagata prefecture and yurihonjo city , akita prefecture (which were replaced by ogachi county and hiraka county by agreement with the satake clan in 1602 ), became daidaimyo (a feudal lord having a greater stipend ) with a total fief of 570 ,000 koku (the actual yield was considered 1 ,000 ,000 koku ) and reached the high watermark again . 関ヶ原の戦いに伴う出羽合戦の恩賞で加増され、置賜郡を除く現在の山形県全土と秋田県由利本荘市周辺(1602年、佐竹氏との領土交換により雄勝郡・平鹿郡と引き換えた)を手に入れ、計57万石(実高は100万石とも称する)を領する大大名になり、二度目の最盛期を迎える。